
Sort out the words into 2 columns - international words and false friends. HELP
major immigrate dissertation intelligence pacifist intrigue influence era potential uniform personal position communication to recruit pioneer to contrast instructor to pose motion analysis
False friends
Write the word next to each transcription:
Match the words in column A with their definitions in column B. Translate the words in column C.
  1. the teaching and instruction that one person gives to another
  2. enough or more than enough
  3. disturbance or interruption of a radio signal, caused by a second signal
  4. a period of time coming between two events or stages
  5. a husband or wife
Look back in the text and find words that have a similar meaning to the words and phrases below. Write them opposite to each word.
1.originatorpara 1
2.effectspara 1
3.responsepara 1
4.gainedpara 4
5.impactpara 4
6.scientistpara 5
7.finallypara 6
8.famepara 7
9.ended suddenlypara 7
10.traitspara 8
11.attitudepara 9
12.recommendedpara 9
13.distrustpara 9
14.supporterpara 9
15.refusedpara 9
16.impactpara 10
17.motivatedpara 10
18.violatespara 11
Choose the correct prepositions to complete the sentences if necessary.
1) Wiener’s vision of cybernetics had a powerful influence later generations of scientists.
2) What led the split of one of the most promising scientific research team?
3) He was sure that he had benefited the research.
4) Claude Shannon’s information theory later resulted communication theory.
5) Norbert Wiener influenced Indian government during the 1950's.
6) Communication theory resulted a paper by Claude Shannon in the Bell System Technical Journal under the title "A Mathematical Theory of communication".
7) Wiener inspired further research systems control, cybernetics and computer science.