Lexis in Context

Give English equivalents to the following words and word combinations. Look back in the text.
1.формализуетpara 1
2.основатель кибернетикиpara 1
3.непрофессиональный интересpara 2
4.оказывал большое влияниеpara 2
5.зарабатывал средства к существованиюpara 4
6.собрал частную коллекцию книгpara 4
7.была присвоена степень доктора наукpara 4
8.отказали в должностиpara 5
9.сторонник нацизмаpara 5
10.работать под руководствомpara 5
11.внезапно разорвал все контактыpara 7
12.самые блестящие исследователиpara 7
13.искусственный интеллектpara 7
14.научно-исследовательская группаpara 8
15.улучшать жизненный уровеньpara 9
16.преодолеть экономически слабое развитиеpara 9
17.убежденный сторонникpara 9
18.политическое вмешательствоpara 9
19.отклонил приглашениеpara 9
20.делился своими результатамиpara 9
Choose the best translation of the phrases and sentences in italics. Look back in the text.
1)Whatever the reason, the split led to the premature end of one of the most promising scientific research teams of the era.

2)Leo tried his hand at various jobs in factories and farms before becoming a school teacher in Kansas City.

3)Thanks to his father's tutelage and his own abilities, Wiener became a child prodigy.

4)Nevertheless, Wiener went on to break new ground in cybernetics.

5)These men went on to make pioneering contributions to computer science and artificial intelligence.

6)After the war, Wiener was unable to secure a position at Harvard because he was Jewish.

7)Shortly after this painstakingly assembled research group was formed, Wiener suddenly and inexplicably broke off all contacts with its members.