Comprehension check

Read the text and fill in the QUICK FACTS chart
Full name
Date of birth (month/yyyy)
Place of birth
Family background
Early education
Later education 1
Later education 2
Date of death (month/yyyy)
Write no more than THREE WORDS and/or a number for each question.
a)When did he get interested in math?
b)What fields of science was Babbage interested in?
c)What kind of device did his idea of mechanical computations result in?
d)When did he announce of his invention? (dd/mm/yyyy)
e)Was the device able to print out the results it obtained?
f)What scientific area did Babbage propose in his work On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures?
g)What kind of device did he conceive in the late 1830s?
h)How much money was invested in Babbage’s work?
i)What was Charles Babbage called?
j)What were the two reasons prevented building of Difference engine and a printer?
k)What was the reason why Babbage's Analytical Engine wasn’t constructed at the time he lived?
l)When was Babbage’s Differential Engine built up?
What do these figures refer to?
  1. completed a small difference engine
  2. the second Difference Engine and its 2.5-tonne printer were built by the London Science Museum
  3. Babbage published his most influential work On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures
  4. the government decided not to proceed funding for Babbage and stuck the incomplete Difference Engine in the Science Museum
  5. published Memoirs of the Analytical Society
Look at the list of inventions and developments. Tick those that Charles Babbage made. Look back in the text if necessary.