Lexis in Context

Give English equivalents to the following words and word combinations. Look back in the text.
1.пророк-мыслительpara 1
2.сигарообразная ракетаpara 1
3.было признано во всем миреpara 1
4.оказала сильное влияниеpara 3
5.выход в открытый космосpara 4
6.научная фантастикаpara 4
7.сила ускоренияpara 4
8.моделировать различные уровни гравитацииpara 5
9.свойства газовpara 6
10.вакуум и невесомостьpara 6
11.заселение космосаpara 8
12.строят орбитальные теплицыpara 8
13.использовать ракеты для освоения космосаpara 9
14.математическая зависимостьpara 9
15.основы астронавтикиpara 9
16.химический ракетный двигательpara 10
17.последние достижения в технологииpara 10
18.солнечное излучениеpara 12
19.многоступенчатые ракетыpara 13
20.камеры сгоранияpara 14
Choose the best translation of the phrases and sentences in italics. Look back in the text.
1)That’s how generations of Russians knew Konstantin Tsiolkovsky — a visionary thinker, standing at the very foundation of their country’s pioneering exploration of space.

2)By the dawn of the Space Age in the 1950s, Tsiolkovsky’s name was recognized around the world, and he was mentioned alongside Galileo, Kepler, and Copernicus as one of the intellectual giants who furthered humanity’s expansion beyond Earth.

3)Tsiolkovsky is the solitary genius who laid out the principles of space travel when the practical means of achieving it still lay far in the future.

4)Being a self-educated man, he developed insights into space travel and rocket science, earning him a place in history as one of the pioneers of astronautics.

5)But the young man had a thirst for learning.

6)It was there that he created the monumental body of work that secured his place as a prophet of the Space Age.

7)Today this work is universally recognized as the world’s first scientifically sound proposal to use rockets for exploring space.

8)He never attempted to build a rocket engine, let alone a spaceship.